Let's Get Real...Again
I have already shared a little about myself. I try to not get too personal but sometimes its necessary. I am not quite sure how deep this post is going to get but I just want someone to understand what I am trying to say. I want someone out there who's reading this, whether in the US, Egypt or Russia to at least try and attempt to see where I am coming from when I say that I love hearing testimonies even though giving my own is quite rough.
It's amazing to see what other people have gone through, what they have lived through. Sometimes, I sit back and think, "Wow, I would've given up" or "I never could've survived". I get so awe struck at the things people have experienced. The amazing thing is that everyone reacts to a situation differently and maybe that same person would've lost hope if they would have walked in my shoes. I am so glad that I personally made it through.
I came from what looked to be a pretty good household. My mother rented a nice apartment so that from the outside we looked wealthy. Nobody knew that she was struggling to put food on the table. My parents are married, which is more rare nowadays then ever before. Nobody knew that my dad was in jail or drunk or high most of my childhood. There were mixed signals coming from everywhere. There was hurt and pain. Physical. Mental. Emotional. I can't even count all the times I wanted to take my life or the lives of those who hurt me. (This is when someone in the audience shouts, "But God!!!"). Honestly, I didn't know what it was at the time. Trust me, I tried to take my life but I never succeeded. At first, I couldn't stop thinking, "I'm such a failure I can't even kill myself right" now looking back on it I realize that God is the one who stopped me from doing it. Anyway, this is supposed to be about more than just me and what I have to say. It's about the power of testimony.
In the Bible we see how amazing testimonies can truly be. We are healed by our testimonies and so are others. Isn't that amazing?! Those who are going through something similar to what you experienced can find encouragement in your words. It can give others hope that God will deliver them and set them upon a rock just as He did with you (Psalm 40:2). It reminds them that God has never once forgotten them and even when they seem alone, a hand is reaching down to pull them out of the mess they're end.
Another cool thing is that once you get over the initial fear of being mocked and ridiculed, once you have shared at least once, giving your testimony begins to get easier and easier. In Acts 4:20 it talks about how God's people couldn't stop giving their testimony.
Random Interlude: No testimony is more important than another! Not everyone was a drug addict or a soldier or some other testimony that we think may sound more righteous and cool amongst our peers. Your testimony is meant to remind you of what you went through so that you can help others who are going through the same thing. Testimonies aren't supposed to be like Liam Neeson movies or even Matt Damon movies, they are just a testament to the things you've seen, done and overcome. Remember that the next time you hear some story about how God brought someone back from a coma and they had experienced Heaven and were immediately healed after they got ran over by a car. Yes, some testimonies are like that but not everyone's. God brings us through different trials and tribulations dependent upon our identity. Your testimony is as unique as you are.
One thing I love about testimonies is the power that a single testimony can have on so many lives. I am truly encouraged by other's stories and I am sure some of you have been too.

My Testimony by Marvin Sapp Normally, I don't talk about the songs I link to but this one is so inspiring. Don't just listen to it, feel it. Close your eyes and think on the words. "If you see me cry, it's just a sign that I'm still alive...in spite of calamity, He still has a plan for me". The words are so powerful they make you want to shout right out the chair. And if you're curious, there are mime dances as well as praise dances to this song that can also be viewed on YouTube.
If you're brave or just want to get something off your chest feel free to comment or let me know. We can communicate through email if you so choose.
Be blessed, not stressed.
And subscribe to this blog!!!! :D
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