Does Color Matter to God?
Yes. Not in the sense that your color will impact whether or not you make it into the kingdom but in the sense that God loves diversity. If He didn't why did He make everyone so unique? Why did He create different shades of color? Why would John still see diversity in those who had died and gone on to be with the Lord? Don't believe me? Read Revelation 7:9. If God didn't like diversity why would He make sure to keep it? And if diversity did not last even after death, how would John know that the multitude he saw came from all different nations while they were here on earth? Think about it. If you have any answers to these questions I would be glad to hear them.

God made us all unique for a person, it help shows His power and majesty. Furthermore, it shows us that no matter what someone may look like, where they are from or what language they speak God wants us to love ALL our neighbors. Not just one or two of the few we know. It's easy to love those who you know or at least are familiar with, it's a lot harder to love people who are different from you in every way. Even still, that is what God has tasked us to do. John says repeatedly in 1-3 John that as Christians we should both love and walk in truth. God is the truth. Jesus the Son is the truth. Therefore, we should walk as the triune God would have us walk and love in the same fashion. So what if they look different from you? We were all made in the image of the Creator, not just you!
For more info see: Tony Evans, Oneness Embraced
How Can I Stay Proud of My Heritage while Repping Christ?
In Revelation 7:9 the only thing uniform was the white robes and palm branches held by the multitude. In this life, the one thing that God wants to be uniform is our love of the Father. We should be one in the fact that we love, serve and magnify Him. It's okay to be different, God made us that way. That being said, you should never have to feel like you have to get rid of your heritage or culture to serve God, as long as you don't worship other idols. If you have a certain way of dressing or speaking or even greeting others, hold on to that it is just one of the many things that make you who you are and He loves every single about it. That's why He chose to make you uniquely, beautifully, wonderfully, amazingly, you.
Much Love!
Here's a song that I think may cheer up those who didn't know what to do about heritage and Jesus before this post: Same Team Remix by Swoope
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