Common Sense Ain't Common
Have you ever noticed that as the years go by, so does the amount of common sense in the general populous? It's like the more people that go to college, the dumber we all really get. We trade book knowledge for street knowledge. Why can't we have both? And I'm not downing anybody, I'm guilty of this too. Everything that I knew growing up, especially growing up in my neighborhood, I'm starting to forget now that I'm about to graduate from college. And even basic stuff, it's like now that I'm learning calculus I have to think about how to multiply simple things like 5 x 8. Why in the world should I have to think about it?
This is going to be a short post, I just wanted to ask you guys, have you ever noticed that people, especially smart people act incredibly stupid much of the time? Have you ever noticed the same thing or am I just crazy, because that could be it. I am quite crazy. Do you think it has something to do with people stressing higher education that they don't have time to pay attention to the social cues that reinforce common sense?
I couldn't think of a song about common sense, so I apologize for that folks.

This is going to be a short post, I just wanted to ask you guys, have you ever noticed that people, especially smart people act incredibly stupid much of the time? Have you ever noticed the same thing or am I just crazy, because that could be it. I am quite crazy. Do you think it has something to do with people stressing higher education that they don't have time to pay attention to the social cues that reinforce common sense?
I couldn't think of a song about common sense, so I apologize for that folks.
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