What's the Real Meaning of Thanksgiving?
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and a lot of people lose sight of what Thanksgiving is really about: being thankful. It's not hard to do, with stores opening early so that you spend less time with family and more time shopping. People cooking for hours straight for one gigantic meal. Special Thanksgiving sports games. The parades. Preparing for your entire family to somehow squeeze into your 3 bedroom house.How important is a turkey or ham dinner? It's the same with Christmas. How have we forgotten the foundation of this holiday. God has brought us through another year, safe and sound.
What about being thankful to God for all the things that He blessed you with?

Here, I'll start a list and feel free to add on:
1.) Family
2.) Friends
3.) I'm able to eat
4.) I have a roof over my head
5.) I am healthier than a lot of people
6.) I can go to college
7.) I have clothes on my back
8.) I'm in my right mind
What do you have to add?
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Be blessed.
Hallelujah by Lecrae
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