Monday, November 30, 2015

All Right

When it's raining outside. 

We all have those bad moments when it just feels like everything that could go wrong does and even the things you thought were right end up horribly wrong, right? Or am I the only one? When you lose your keys or have to pay unforeseen bills and things just don't go right. Well, over the Thanksgiving holiday when I was trying to have a good time with my family before leaving to go back to college exam week. I tried really hard to look on the brighter side of things and it's a struggle for me, admittedly, because I have always been pretty pessimistic.

So, after a late flight and extremely late arrival, I was home at last. But, of course, I was sick. Then, it seemed like things were just getting worse. I felt sick to my stomach, not because of my physical sickness but because of everything that was happening in my life in this little break and all the personal revelations that came in these 5 days. I didn't want to eat anything, things seemed to go from bad to worse. I felt like Jonah right after he had gotten swallowed by the whale but without the guilt that he had. All I could think was that nothing was ever going to get better because it seemed as soon as something good happened to me there were three or four awful things going on, just like it has been for my entire life. And you know what happened next. It started raining and I mean pouring down completely. All Friday long from like 5 in the morning to late that night, like God just wanted to make everyone know how I felt. And let me tell you, I felt awful. So it was literally raining outside and it was all I could do to keep a smile on my face. I didn't have the urge to do anything and I didn't really do any of the homework that I had to do over the weekend which was not good whatsoever.

All of a sudden, two songs got stuck in my head, both of which are linked below. I started singing these songs and I basically started encouraging myself. I kept singing, like it was a mantra, "He's gonna fulfill every promise to you! Don't give up on God, 'cause He won't give up on you!" And that reminded me that no matter how bad it gets....

He'll make it better! 

God has given each and every one of us a purpose, long before people started giving us their opinions. Right? Right. He already had everything planned out and no matter how hard it gets He won't let His children fall. He loves us. So why should I give up on Him and what He's promised the first time a storm comes my way? And even though it seems like a tornado right now, it probably isn't that serious. I'm so caught up in what my situation is that I can't even notice that there are a lot of people worse off than me and people who are dealing with similar issues. I don't want to be that selfish.

God has never forgotten about me and He never will. And when things look drear He will make it alright! He will make it better and sometimes He puts us in those hard situations for the benefit of others. But there are times when God just wants to remind you of who He is and how you should keep your focus on Him. He wants to show you how He remains faithful even when we are less than faithful. Isn't that awesome? 

And as a type of confirmation, I went to church on Sunday before I got on the plane to come back to school and guess what the choir sang? One of those same songs that had been stuck in my head for so long. Just a reaffirmation of what I had been trying to convince myself of. Don't let anyone or anything (including yourself) make you doubt yourself or God. When you're hurting inside He's your shelter and during the worst thunderstorms He's our shelter!

We're already blessed because of His love so please, walk in it.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

What Are You Thankful For?

What's the Real Meaning of Thanksgiving?

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and a lot of people lose sight of what Thanksgiving is really about: being thankful. It's not hard to do, with stores opening early so that you spend less time with family and more time shopping. People cooking for hours straight for one gigantic meal. Special Thanksgiving sports games. The parades. Preparing for your entire family to somehow squeeze into your 3 bedroom house.

How important is a turkey or ham dinner? It's the same with Christmas. How have we forgotten the foundation of this holiday. God has brought us through another year, safe and sound.

What about being thankful to God for all the things that He blessed you with?

 Here, I'll start a list and feel free to add on:
1.) Family
2.) Friends
3.) I'm able to eat
4.) I have a roof over my head
5.) I am healthier than a lot of people
6.) I can go to college
7.) I have clothes on my back
8.) I'm in my right mind
What do you have to add?

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Be blessed.

Hallelujah by Lecrae

Why Is Everything Simple So Hard?

Common Sense Ain't Common

Have you ever noticed that as the years go by, so does the amount of common sense in the general populous? It's like the more people that go to college, the dumber we all really get. We trade book knowledge for street knowledge. Why can't we have both? And I'm not downing anybody, I'm guilty of this too. Everything that I knew growing up, especially growing up in my neighborhood, I'm starting to forget now that I'm about to graduate from college. And even basic stuff, it's like now that I'm learning calculus I have to think about how to multiply simple things like 5 x 8. Why in the world should I have to think about it?

This is going to be a short post, I just wanted to ask you guys, have you ever noticed that people, especially smart people act incredibly stupid much of the time? Have you ever noticed the same thing or am I just crazy, because that could be it. I am quite crazy. Do you think it has something to do with people stressing higher education that they don't have time to pay attention to the social cues that reinforce common sense?

I couldn't think of a song about common sense, so I apologize for that folks.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Found My Way


Hey guys, remember my post about losing my way? Well, I constantly felt lost and alone even though I made sure to wear a smile every day. Most of the time I felt like God was mad at me or that I was a mistake. And there are a lot of people out there who think the same thing, let's tell them that God does NOT make mistakes! We are all here for a reason, even if we have absolutely no idea what our purpose is yet. Nobody is worthless that takes the load off of another. I asked one of my friend's once: Wouldn't everybody be happier if I wasn't here? and you know what she said? You probably do, but still, that blew my mind. I always thought that everyone's problems would go away if I just disappeared and never came back. My parents would have money to spend, my friends would be happier and the sky would be bluer. I was so wrapped up in my own head that I couldn't let anyone in. Maybe it has something to do with my past, or maybe it's just me but that's not all there is to me. Not anymore. 
I am not a victim of what happened to me. I can't change the past but there is no point in me dwelling over what happened because it's just keeping me from doing what I should be doing. Sometimes you need to just let go and it can be really hard. Trust me, I know. It took me a really long time to let it go because I thought I had let it go already, but in reality I just put it in a closet at the back of my mind and locked it shut. And opening that door hurts, but it's past time for spring cleaning. What do you need to let go? Write it down. Think about it, then ask God to take every single thing on that piece of paper away, to remove it so that it can no longer keep you from moving forward and be delivered from it. Rip it up and never look back.


Have you ever heard someone talk about finding God? I have and I think it's one of the most ironic things ever. It's not like God was ever lost, you were the one who decided to get off the path and pick roses until dark then get surprised when you wind up at a hose made of candy. God found us and we willingly ran back into His arms. Well, sometimes God has to do a lot more to get our attention and trust me, it was like God had to shake me awake. was rough but I'm here now and have no plans of straying again. I'm not saying that it's all roses but I don't feel completely isolated anymore, I'm not perpetually sad and I don't want to disappear. Back then, I always made sure to forgettable, I didn't want anyone to remember that I was there. I wouldn't want anyone to be sad if I were just to disappear for good one day. And trust me it worked. It's not until I wanted to be noticed that I realized how good I was at being invisible. But I'm working on being visible, on making my mark on other people. And hopefully it's a good mark. I don't want to be lost anymore. Do you? Find Your Way by KB

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Keep Ya Head Up

Image result for no struggle no progress frederick douglass

What To Do When You Are Surrounded By Annoying People

Have you ever just been through? All you wanted to do was go and be by yourself somewhere because it seemed like everyone around you was a complete idiot? Or just plain incompetent? If you're being honest with yourself then the answer to that question is yes, and if you're not being honest....maybe you should think a little harder. Maybe you should think of those group projects that you never wanted to be in or that obnoxious college roommate who lives just to make you miserable. I'm not saying to wallow in self-pity or to stay angry and upset for ever, but it's always best to address a problem. Ignoring problems don't make them go away.

So instead of ignoring it, remind yourself that it's not going to last forever and God would never put more on you than you could bear. Which is why I always listen to I Can Bear by S.O. when I get a little anxious or upset. It reminds me that no matter what I'm going through I will get through it and I'm never alone on the journey. So when there are annoying people wherever you turn confront the situation. You do not have to go and yell or start a fight, handle it calmly in what ever way suits you. If you're a writer, write about it; an athlete? go play a game or match; a comedian? tell a joke or two. But do whatever it takes to calm you down and then go face those annoying people and let them know that what they are doing is upsetting you. No problem was ever resolved by doing nothing.

There's always going to be annoying people around you so what you should do is stay on ten.Don't let anyone take your joy away from you because if you do then you let them win. Don't let them take you out of yourself and have you do something you normally would not because then they have proven their point. It's time to prove yours: No matter what you do to me, you can't take my JOY! On-Ten Tedashii!!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Who I Am

Who He Is

He is kind, just, righteous, merciful, jealous, all-knowing, all-powerful, everything.

Some people think that God contradicts himself. How can someone love but be wrathful at the same time? News flash: God can not be understood by us. He is just too great, how can the creation ever understand the creator? And although we can never fully comprehend Him, He does want us to get to know Him. That's why He gave us His Word and asks us to talk to Him in prayer. He wants a relationship with us and a true relationship, at that. Not a one-sided one. God shouldn't have to keep giving and giving and you not reciprocate. And He doesn't ask for much. Just our love. Isn't that amazing?! All we have to do is love God and He will give us all that we ask, as long as it does not impede His plan for us. He is always with you and is always listening to what you have to say. He just wants you to do the same. People talk about how it is too hard to be a Christian. You have to get baptized, wear nice clothes, go to every church event, blah blah blah. Wrong. All it takes to be a Christian is L--O--V--E! If you truly love God, everything else will fall into place.  So are you going to take the next step and work to know Him better?
Who He Is- Trip Lee

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Who I Am

I am Chyina Powell. I am a Child of the Light and a Child of the King. An heir with Christ Jesus. A saint. Yes, I have made mistakes and will make more in the future, that is a given but God will be there to pick me back up. He always was, even when I didn't notice it. It is one of the many benefits of being one of God's children. I am going somewhere and am working to reach people one day at a time, which is hard for me. I am loved by God and, in all honesty, I don't need any other love. I am a champion. I have already won the race, I won it a long time ago because God told me I could. He pushed me when I thought I was on my last leg and He will do the same for you. Favor ain't fair but it feel good.


A sinner. Lonely. Unforgiven. Guilty. Regretful. Obligated. 

None of these things are found in God and if you feel them you should pray and ask God to reveal His peace to you, because that is what He is. None of the above are of Him, they are the enemy trying to keep you from seeing your true purpose and we ALL have purpose. Even if our purposes are hard to see some times and the way to getting there is a little hard. I am no longer a sinner, and I am no longer guilty because I have no past. God has forgotten it and I have no right to hold it against myself any longer.

Who Are You?

Think about it. Let me know. Be blessed.

Image result for a christian

Monday, November 16, 2015


Jesus Is For Everybody

I know a lot of people who say that they are atheists and when I bring up religion they either shrug it off or try to convince me that I am wrong. I have never went up to an atheist or someone of a different religion and said, "Your beliefs are stupid! Only idiots believe in that!" so I was wondering why people do it to me and other Christians. So after talking to one friend of mine he said that he used to be Christian and when I asked why he converted he said, "Because none of my prayers got answered." and all I could think was, "You're not an atheist, you're just angry." You are mad that God didn't do what you wanted Him to do when you wanted Him to do it. How is that fair? We are supposed to be in a relationship with God so how would you feel if your s.o. did the same thing? Only calling when he or she wanted something? Then forgetting all about you when everything is good? Completely ignoring you in mixed company? Never talking to you? Well, that is what a lot of people are doing to God and how is that fair? How is that right? Maybe we should be looking at things in God's perspective.

On Another Note

In my opinion, Christianity takes the most heat as far as religions go. People make fun of Christians and persecute them. In some schools Christians are not even allowed to use the words "Jesus Christ" yet other religions have religious freedoms. People make fun of Christians and openly celebrate Christmas but try to take the Nativity out of it. Last year, when walking around my city I saw no Nativity scenes only Santa Claus and snowmen. All I am saying is that Christianity gets no respect and people say that Christians are mean and all this other stuff but think about it. Why use the same awful examples to classify a whole type of people. It's the same as stereotyping isn't it? Just because someone says they're Christian doesn't mean they really are. Sometimes they just feel the need to check off a box.

Jesus loved everyone, regardless of what they believed or what they did.  A Christian will live the same way because that is what being a Christian is all about: living Christ-like. And if you are one of those people who feel all Christians are the same, tell me why. Tell me why it is fair that Christians are ostracized and made the butt of every joke? But I already know why: John 15:18 and 2 Timothy 3:12.


So, in short: J.I.F.E. whether you like it or not. Jesus Is For Everybody

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Hard Times

Sometimes it Sucks....

Having to deal with deaths and annoying people and jobs and classes. Trust me, I know first hand how awful it can be when you are away from the people you care about and something awful happens. It's been happening to me for 4 years now, but the good thing is that hard times can't last forever. 

And even when you feel like you're all alone and that no one is listening to how you feel, there is always someone listening. Always someone right by your side, who is with you always. Please don't forget that He is here and sometimes He makes us go through hard times so that we can help others with theirs. At the moment you may think it sucks and is an awful thing to do but He has a plan and everything has it's designated time, just like in Ecclesiastes 3. 

When things get hard, this is one of the songs that I listen to to lift me out of it because it's always better than wallowing in self-pity and misery. Praying For You

Always Remember:

It'll get better. 

And...prayer changes things.

So hold your head up.