When it's raining outside.
We all have those bad moments when it just feels like everything that could go wrong does and even the things you thought were right end up horribly wrong, right? Or am I the only one? When you lose your keys or have to pay unforeseen bills and things just don't go right. Well, over the Thanksgiving holiday when I was trying to have a good time with my family before leaving to go back to college exam week. I tried really hard to look on the brighter side of things and it's a struggle for me, admittedly, because I have always been pretty pessimistic.

So, after a late flight and extremely late arrival, I was home at last. But, of course, I was sick. Then, it seemed like things were just getting worse. I felt sick to my stomach, not because of my physical sickness but because of everything that was happening in my life in this little break and all the personal revelations that came in these 5 days. I didn't want to eat anything, things seemed to go from bad to worse. I felt like Jonah right after he had gotten swallowed by the whale but without the guilt that he had. All I could think was that nothing was ever going to get better because it seemed as soon as something good happened to me there were three or four awful things going on, just like it has been for my entire life. And you know what happened next. It started raining and I mean pouring down completely. All Friday long from like 5 in the morning to late that night, like God just wanted to make everyone know how I felt. And let me tell you, I felt awful. So it was literally raining outside and it was all I could do to keep a smile on my face. I didn't have the urge to do anything and I didn't really do any of the homework that I had to do over the weekend which was not good whatsoever.
All of a sudden, two songs got stuck in my head, both of which are linked below. I started singing these songs and I basically started encouraging myself. I kept singing, like it was a mantra, "He's gonna fulfill every promise to you! Don't give up on God, 'cause He won't give up on you!" And that reminded me that no matter how bad it gets....
He'll make it better!
God has given each and every one of us a purpose, long before people started giving us their opinions. Right? Right. He already had everything planned out and no matter how hard it gets He won't let His children fall. He loves us. So why should I give up on Him and what He's promised the first time a storm comes my way? And even though it seems like a tornado right now, it probably isn't that serious. I'm so caught up in what my situation is that I can't even notice that there are a lot of people worse off than me and people who are dealing with similar issues. I don't want to be that selfish.
God has never forgotten about me and He never will. And when things look drear He will make it alright! He will make it better and sometimes He puts us in those hard situations for the benefit of others. But there are times when God just wants to remind you of who He is and how you should keep your focus on Him. He wants to show you how He remains faithful even when we are less than faithful. Isn't that awesome?
And as a type of confirmation, I went to church on Sunday before I got on the plane to come back to school and guess what the choir sang? One of those same songs that had been stuck in my head for so long. Just a reaffirmation of what I had been trying to convince myself of. Don't let anyone or anything (including yourself) make you doubt yourself or God. When you're hurting inside He's your shelter and during the worst thunderstorms He's our shelter!
We're already blessed because of His love so please, walk in it.