What is it?
Missionary dating (noun) when you waste your time dating someone because you think you can change them or they claim to want you in his/her life.Have you ever done some missionary dating? I know I have. I thought that he would just be perfect if he did this and this and this. But truth be told, if he did all that he wouldn't be himself would he? He would be who I created and that's not fair to him or to myself because I'm wasting my time trying to change him plus wasting his time. You can't force someone to change and if he or she wants to change great, but don't expect anything. At first I thought it would be okay because all the changes I wanted him to make would be good for him. Getting a good job, getting a car, talking to his family and moving over past differences. Things that I thought would be good for him. The problem was that they were things that I wanted but they weren't really things he wanted. And sure he started changing but only because he wanted me to stay with him. I didn't notice it but I was holding it over his head like a threat and that's not cool at all.I went to this conference with my friend and it was funny because the speaker said that you should never date someone if you couldn't see yourself being with them for over twenty years exactly the way they were today. And you know what I thought when I heard that? I could NEVER date that person and I was playing with his emotions so the right thing to do would be to let him go. So I did.
The only problem was that he didn't want it to be over but that's another story for another time.

Have you ever done some missionary dating? Was it bad for you? Or have you ever wanted to change just to fit into someone else's plan? Thinking to yourself. "If I looked like this" of "If I do this one thing"? That doesn't work and it only ends up making you and the other person miserable in the end, so why do it? Because humans. Lol. But the great thing about it is that God is a great listener and he can give you everything you ever wanted. So while he is getting you ready for your future husband or wife instead of doing some missionary dating because you feel a little lonely, you can talk to him. He's always there and coming from a female, guys you are 100 times more attractive when you love God and have a good head on your shoulders. Even women who are not Christians are attracted to Christian men, not that I am recommending that for you, because of the glow of the Holy Spirit within and upon you. SO, my point here is that we should all stop missionary dating!
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