Only Gives You Fool's Gold
I know I heard these words in a song. Don't ask me which one because I have no idea. However, it got me to thinking about what I had been making a priority in my life. And honestly my list of priorities has changed a lot. Even though we aren't supposed to talk about religion in class, one of my professors talks about his all the time and he made us write down the three most important things in our lives. I bet that those lists were different for every single person in that classroom. And I am quite sure that some people only put God, religion or faith as their number one because they felt obligated to. You all know by know what I think about obligation. Well anyway, I think that we all have been chasing a little bit of fool's gold. I go to a youth group and the pastor preached on making God our one goal. And that hit me but I will come back to that a little bit later. Fool's gold looks like the real thing and feel like the real thing but, in the end, is completely worthless. I have been chasing a few goals that I shouldn't and the strange this is that when I thought about it I never thought about these things until AFTER I gave my life back to God. So I have a little list for you:
1.) Recognition
2.) Acceptance
3.) Popularity
Those are my three fool's goals. Things that I really should not be focusing on whatsoever because they aren't going to help me do anything in the long run except maybe stress out a little. And I already have too much stress in my life (all thanks can go to college for that). We all have different goals and you don't have to be Christian to read this blog so your goals are probably a lot different from mine. My goal is to be Christ-like and I can't reach my main goal if I am paying more attention to these stupid little things that don't mean anything. Before, I could be completely ignored by everyone in existence and I wouldn't mind at all and now I get mad if I am not among the first a friend talks to when he or she walks into the room. I mean, what's with that? It makes absolutely no sense! I walk around saying that I want to be Christ-like but when did Jesus ever care how popular He was? He didn't and if He did I am quite sure that He either would have never gone to the cross or would have gotten down off of it because He's boss. He told people the truth about themselves even though He knew that they would hate Him for it. He was ostracized and hated by His own people and I am over here like "Does she think my twist out is on point today?". No. I rebuke that in the name of Jesus because I feel like anything that keeps your eyes off of your main goal is straight from the very pits of hell and I may be alone in that but I'm going to make my views known.

Don't get me wrong, everyone should have tons of goals. I do. I want to go to graduate school, get a job as an editor, get married, have a lot of kids and have a dog with an African name. But notice how these goals are completely different than that other list. Me going to grad school does not take away from my walk with my Father at all, it actually gives me an opportunity to share my walk with other people. Kind of like how I am sharing it with you. The great thing about this is though that I don't have to try and catch up with anybody else in my walk because it is my walk and I am different from any other believer. If I have get to the finish line in a rolling office chair, I'm still going to finish it and that doesn't make me lesser than those running like gazelles or more than those that have to crawl there. I have my goals. Make some of your own (if you don't have many) but don't let those smaller goals get in the way of the one thing you want to do with your life. I did and I am definitely battling with it and I want you to learn from my many, many mistakes.
And if you can find out what song it was that I mentioned at the beginning please let me know!
Fool's Gold by Andy Mineo
1.) Recognition
2.) Acceptance
3.) Popularity
Those are my three fool's goals. Things that I really should not be focusing on whatsoever because they aren't going to help me do anything in the long run except maybe stress out a little. And I already have too much stress in my life (all thanks can go to college for that). We all have different goals and you don't have to be Christian to read this blog so your goals are probably a lot different from mine. My goal is to be Christ-like and I can't reach my main goal if I am paying more attention to these stupid little things that don't mean anything. Before, I could be completely ignored by everyone in existence and I wouldn't mind at all and now I get mad if I am not among the first a friend talks to when he or she walks into the room. I mean, what's with that? It makes absolutely no sense! I walk around saying that I want to be Christ-like but when did Jesus ever care how popular He was? He didn't and if He did I am quite sure that He either would have never gone to the cross or would have gotten down off of it because He's boss. He told people the truth about themselves even though He knew that they would hate Him for it. He was ostracized and hated by His own people and I am over here like "Does she think my twist out is on point today?". No. I rebuke that in the name of Jesus because I feel like anything that keeps your eyes off of your main goal is straight from the very pits of hell and I may be alone in that but I'm going to make my views known.
Don't get me wrong, everyone should have tons of goals. I do. I want to go to graduate school, get a job as an editor, get married, have a lot of kids and have a dog with an African name. But notice how these goals are completely different than that other list. Me going to grad school does not take away from my walk with my Father at all, it actually gives me an opportunity to share my walk with other people. Kind of like how I am sharing it with you. The great thing about this is though that I don't have to try and catch up with anybody else in my walk because it is my walk and I am different from any other believer. If I have get to the finish line in a rolling office chair, I'm still going to finish it and that doesn't make me lesser than those running like gazelles or more than those that have to crawl there. I have my goals. Make some of your own (if you don't have many) but don't let those smaller goals get in the way of the one thing you want to do with your life. I did and I am definitely battling with it and I want you to learn from my many, many mistakes.
And if you can find out what song it was that I mentioned at the beginning please let me know!
Fool's Gold by Andy Mineo