We are not called to witness. We are called to be witnesses.
We are living epistles read of all men. We are both the light and the salt on the earth. And we will always have people watching us hoping to criticize us for that one mistake. It is all a part of being a Christian. That;s not the issue, the issue comes in when we claim to be followers of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, but we don't live like him at all. That's just plain hypocritical ad we all know how much Jesus disliked the actions of the hypocritical Pharisees (throwing tables and all that).
What makes a witness? It isn't as hard as one may think. We have to help people and even if we never go out and evangelize all over the globe, there are people we can minister in our own towns. Not everybody has been given the gift of being a people person, trust me. God did NOT give me that gift. However, I can still show people the glory of God without taking the fist step and walking up to a stranger like, "Do you know my Lord, Jesus Christ?". For those of you who are like me we must make sure that people see God's glory through us. We are His temple are we not?
As tough as it is we have to try and inspire people to get to know God through our lifestyle. That doesn't mean we have to be perfect but it does mean that we pray, read His Word, love our neighbors and show mercy to our enemies. I know it's hard. I was so angry at a coworker this past Friday that it made me physically sick and I had to leave. Luckily, I didn't punch her in the face like I wanted to. Sometimes we have to walk away when it gets tough so that we don't make the wrong decision. I learned recently though that I should never let someone else have that much control over my emotions so I am still working on that. Anyway, back to witnessing. Everyone loves a friend but how many people can show the same affection for an enemy? It gets easier and when we start doing that people are going to notice the change and get a little curious.
Once this happens don't be all extra-Christian. We are trying to win people to the kingdom, not creep them out. Talk to them about God and if you need to read up on apologetics. People usually ask why there is evil in the world. My answer to this question is free will. There would be no such thing as evil if God hadn't given us the choice and if Adam and Eve had never chosen to eat the apple but they did.
Even if there are those who never outright ask you about your faith, they are watching everything you do and they should be able to tell if you are a Christian. If someone asks why you are dressed up on a Sunday and you respond that it's because of church you should get offended if they say, "I didn't know you were a Christian". I mean, how can we be an example like in 1 Timothy 4:12 if we are out here doing the exact same thing the world is doing. Think about it ans share your comments below. If you have any examples about being a witness or ways people can witness in their everyday life I would love to know. Post it below.
And since we are called to act Christ-like, here is a little song for inspiration.
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