Student Loans Are Ridiculous
School is just getting more and more expensive by the year, but scholarships aren't getting raised any. People are out here doing crazy stuff just to go to college and better themselves in the long run. Some girls are working as exotic dancers, some guys are doing illegal things. This is outrageous. And it seems like they never actually give scholarships to the ones who need it the most. Here I am, working two jobs and this guy just bought two more cares (in addition to the three he already had) with his left over scholarship money. Really? Really?! Well, mama always told me that life wasn't fair and I've known it for a while. But, even in high school I worked hard for college scholarships. I started looking at scholarships my freshman year of high school. I can't even begin tell you how many I applied to through Cappex, Unigo, Fastweb and more. I never got one of them. All of my scholarship money came from the university I attend and it's not that much.
People are working so hard to try and go to school but so many drop out because it is jsut too expensive. There are those that think a lot of us don't go to college because we are lazy, but that couldn't be further from the truth. We can't afford it! We have to take care of our families and provide for ourselves so a job just seems like the best option, at least at the moment. Nobody I know just has $30-$60,000 they can just hand to the bursar. Do you? Probably not. And getting scholarships is a lot harder for some people, there are some requirements that don't make sense. Most scholarships now are for legacies, you have to know somebody to get anywhere or you have to promise to join a certain organization or be in that organization for a certain amount of time. It's really not fair, but that is not the point of this post.

But We Made It Anyhow!
This post is to congratulate everyone who is in school or has graduated. You made it and here are two songs to congratulate you on your accomplishment. You could've been doing something else, anything really but you chose college. I'm proud of you and I hope you are proud of yourself. And you know what, although it's disheartening at the moment, one day you will be able to pay off those loans you had to take out, interest included. And these are two songs that I hope you listen to and put in your playlist. You made it and one day Sallie Mae is going to stop calling you asking for her money.
Momma We Made It by Corey Paul
Sallie Mae Back by Dee-1
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