Tuesday, January 24, 2017

New Year

Have you ever heard that saying, "New Year, New Me"? I have, all the time and I think it is one of the most annoying things that people can say because, for the most part it isn't true. What you can say to be more realistic is "New Year, Better Me" or something like that but very few people manage to change their entire personality over the course of one year. That being said, let's move to the idea of New Years Resolutions. Why in the heck do they exist? Most people don't keep them past February anyway! If you really wanted to change you wouldn't have to do it because of a day, you would just get up and do it. I know that some people do stick to their resolutions, you see those transformative pictures everywhere of people losing weight or working out or trying to change watch they watch to better their attitude

I am all for people making the changes they deem necessary to make themselves a better person but just do it, it doesn't have to be something you broadcast all over the social media, especially when there are tons of people making a change for the better all over the planet. That isn't even why I wanted to write this post, I am just ranting.

Image result for new year

It is the year 2017, the Obamas and Bidens have left and now we have the Trumps. And if you don't mind me inserting my own political views, the world has taken a turn for the worst. First Brexit and now this? However, God is still in control, He still has the power and as His children we still walk in the authority that He has given us, even in the darkest of hours. We should wake up each morning with that on our minds, not the fact that we have to protest some of the issues we thought were finally solved in the US. And if we want to make the world a better place then we should be the ones to do so. People always wonder "Why isn't somebody doing/saying something?" Well, guess what? You are SOMEBODY! You can do or say something, it can start off small. Maybe you want to post something on social media and ask everyone to share it. That is how viral videos happen people and our nation's, our planet's future is a lot more important than cats wearing sweaters. There is so much that you can do in this New Year and I want you to realize that sometimes the changes you make personally can change your entire circle and spread. How about we start making some ripples in the water this year, not just because it is "that time again" but because you are tired of complaining and want to do something instead.

So when someone asks you why you are so different just tell them that you're acting Brand New by Tedashii

Start looking at yourself in the mirror and saying 6 positive things every morning while you are getting ready. See how it changes the outcome of your day. Say hell to a  stranger, complement someone and ask God to give you the heavenly boldness you need to combat the works of the enemy not only in your life but in the lives of those around you. When you get into a situation before you ask others to pray for you, lay hands on yourself. Believe in that. Trust. The Bible says in Psalm 22:5 (and I am paraphrasing) that when you trust in the Lord you will not be disappointed. Chew on that, this New Year.

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