Sunday, April 24, 2016

Pinky Promise

Fellowship with the Sisters in Christ

Hey to all my females out there. This might sound like a public service announcement, but I want to talk about Pinky Promise really quick. For those who have not heard of it, which means most, it is a wonderful group of women from all over the US coming together to glorify God and uplift each other. 

I joined the group in the town where my college is from and I love it. I met wonderful women who loved God and give me wise counsel. Key word in that sentence is wise. Not all of your friends tell you what is best for you, as you can tell from some of my other posts. These girls will listen (without interrupting), give you encouragement, talk to you about their experiences and point you to others who may be able to help. They never try and force a decision on you, they become friends for life. Plus, there are tons of cool events that come along with joining, or starting, a group. You can have the Bible studies, go to the conference in July, have mixers and other things to encourage the bond between godly women. Last week, my group held a big hat luncheon, it was so much fun. 

There are also times where we go to the beach or bowling. My group even has the occasional karaoke session (yaasssss). We also just hang out because what started as a Bible study group formed friendships and bonds. One of my friends said that she met the Paul to her Timothy there which is AMAZING! For those of you who are not familiar with the Bible, Paul (fka Saul) was an apostle of Christ who led many people to Jesus Christ. However, one of his "sons in Christ' was named Timotheus or Timothy, whichever you prefer. Timothy was young and through Paul's help he got to know Jesus Christ for himself. Paul provided Timothy with wise counsel but also expected Timothy to help draw others to Christ. So I have two questions for you: who is your Paul? And who is your Timothy?

One perk that I haven't mentioned yet is that it draws women from all backgrounds. Photographers, artists, preachers, students, beauticians. And on the last one, if you are in Central Florida and need a beautician look up @FaithInCurls. You can probably assume by the cartoon I use for this blog, I'm a curly girl. She gives hair revelations! Lol. See for yourself below. Much love to all my sisters in Christ and to the brothers as well. If there is a male equivalent to Pinky Promise hit me up and I will definitely post about it.

Here is the link to the Pinky Promise website:

And here is an amazing song by Travis Greene: Made A Way

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


How Many of Us Have Them?

And more importantly, how many of them are true friends? People we can count on no matter what, who love the good and bad aspects about us. Who will sit and eat tons of food with us when we just want to be lazy. Those are true friends. People you can geek out with about stuff like A Goofy Movie, or have deep conversations with about the future.

I'm going to do a campaign. On my Google+ and just with some of my friends, please post on here as well. What is something you think is necessary for someone to be a true friend?

What About Your Friends by TLC

Image result for true friends

Saturday, April 9, 2016

In The Hurt, There's Healing

It seems like someone is always saying something like that doesn't it? It's like a maxim that every church member knows, or at least pretends to know. But in all honesty it's very real. Some people who are reading this, have read my posts before and some people haven't. For some reason they stumbled along this completely random blog created by the weirdo that I am. I accept that. And I accept the fact that no matter how cliche this saying is, it's truth. I have a friend who is going through a lot of things and this is what I am trying to do to encourage him, tell him my experiences and help him pick himself back off the ground. I can only pray it works because, no matter how much you want to help someone, if they don't want it, they're not going to get it. And even though you don't want to the best thing you can do for some people is to let them fall, let them hit rock bottom because the only person that can truly pick themselves up from that is them. God makes it plain in His Word that we, as Christians, will suffer but that suffering will be nothing in comparison to the wonder coming after. He also says that if we want out we have to cry out. Some people think that pouting is going to change the situation, that won't do. You have to come to God broken, contrite, and willing to truly hear and do what He tells you to do.

Romans 8:18 (KJV)
"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."

Psalm 34:6 (KJV)
"This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles."

No matter what we are going through we have to be willing to cry out to God with the authority He gave is, the authority we should be walking in every day and ask Him to save us.

Here are two songs that I love for some inspiration:

Shout out to "Knights for Christ" for letting me use their shirt as my image for this post.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Let's Get Real

So, I know that it seems like my blog never really gets  to personal issues. There's a reason for that. I didn't want it to. I had hoped to touch people without ever getting too in depth into my own personal life, but now I know that testimony's can help. Stories can reach more than just preaching the Word can. And so, I'm going to tell you a story.

Once upon a time, there was a girl. She lived in a town in a far away land and things were far from perfect. But, in all serious things were tough. Some people might think of my problems as pointless or as first world problems, but to me. It was serious. It was hurt. Let's talk about my middle school life. My mom wanted me and my brother to go to a good school. The schools in my town were awful, there were no books and the neighborhood was not the greatest. Because of this, my mom lied about our address so that we could be zoned in another school. A "white" school with books and ratings. We were technically  homeless, living with different relatives off and on. Finally,  we for an apartment in the school district that we were going to. But a nice apartment doesn't mean much when you can't afford to put things in the refrigerator.

People always judging others because of what they think they know when in reality they may not know anything about it whatsoever. And being Black, I was raised under the rule of "Don't you tell nobody what happens in this house. " and I am quite sure I'm not the only one. So, I started going to this school, I  got involved a little bit more but I never fit in. I wasn't pretty enough to be populat, I wasn't athletic and I felt like I had no place to go. I felt like I would never for in because no matter how many people I knew no one really knew me. It was draining so I lost myself and I'm still trying to figure out who I am. I'm still trying to determine what my purpose in this world is, and God is slowly showing me. 

But, back to the one knew me but I was everyone's "friend". I tried to stay neutral but I hated the pettiness of high-school. White people thought that all everyone who was Black was either in a gang or a soon to be baby momma and everyone talked about everyone to anyone who would listen. That's why I started reading more and more fantasy. I had always read but now I read to escape my life. I wanted a better life, one where I felt like my family cared, one where my brother didn't hit me and that could only be found between the pages of a novel. I stopped eating regularly and when I did eat, it wasn't for nourishment it was to heal all the brokenness I felt. But it never worked and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't throw it back up so I gained weight. Weight everyone in my family criticized me for. I wanted to die, but them funeral costs would be another burden on my family so instead I wished to disappear. I wished that I had never existed and I dreamed of how wonderful the world would be if I  wasn't in it. I felt like a mistake and so, I  acted like one. I believed every awful thing anyone said about me because it had to be true for them to say it. No matter what it was, everything that went wrong was my fault  even I didn't know what was going on. 

I took the blame.

I came out of a dark place and I lived with that situation for a long time but I can honestly say that I am using my past to help others through their current situation and the fact that I can do that proves that it was worth it, even though I didn't think so back then. So please, share this story with your friends and write your own testimony in the comments. You can choose to be anonymous, but never forget that people always learn from hearing about what someone else had to go through. Be blessed.